Facilitate employee engagement with scoreboards

People love to compete. It’s hard-wired into our DNA. If we didn’t like competing, there’d be no organised sports, or games of Uno! and Monopoly. From an early age, we want to succeed. We want to be the winner!

How you decided to use the scoreboard as a motivating factor will depend on the company culture and departments. In some organizations or department the natural “competition” game will be on individual employee level and for others its more appropriate to score departments/usergroups against other departments/usergroups. In either case you will see an improved engagement when implemented and maintained.

Here are 5 reasons why implementing scoreboards into your workplace is a good idea:

1. Gamification and Motivation:

Scoreboards introduce an element of competition and gamification to your employee advocacy program. People are naturally motivated by the opportunity to see their names on a leaderboard or to compete for top positions. This can encourage employees to actively participate in advocacy activities, such as sharing company content on social media.

2. Recognition and Rewards:

Scoreboards provide a visible way to recognize and reward employees for their advocacy efforts. Acknowledging and celebrating the top advocates can boost morale and create a sense of accomplishment. Consider offering incentives, prizes, or even just public recognition to those who consistently contribute to the advocacy program.

3. Peer Influence and Social Proof:

When employees see their colleagues on the scoreboard, it can create a sense of peer influence and social proof. If individuals witness their coworkers actively participating in advocacy, they may be more inclined to join in. The visibility of advocacy efforts on a scoreboard reinforces the idea that advocacy is a collective effort and part of the company culture.

4. Measuring and Tracking Progress:

Scoreboards provide a clear and quantifiable way to measure and track the progress of your employee advocacy program. You can analyze metrics such as the number of shares, reach, and engagement generated by advocates. This data can help you identify trends, evaluate the success of specific campaigns, and make informed decisions to optimize your advocacy strategy.

5. Fostering a Sense of Community:

Scoreboards can contribute to building a sense of community within your organization. By showcasing the collective efforts of employees, you emphasize the collaborative nature of advocacy. This communal aspect can strengthen internal relationships, enhance team spirit, and create a positive atmosphere where employees feel connected to a shared goal.

Want to know more about employee advocacy? Check out our Blog with topics and tips for improving your employee advocacy program!